Label: cloud+saas

All content with label cloud+saas.
Related Labels: uml, json, jersey, gae, service, mail, xml, cmc, services, objectify, planttext, plantuml, rest ( - cloud, - saas )

Building a Java-based Mail Relay for the SAAS Model
Summary In the SAAS (Software as a Service) deployment model, using components to handle common client requests makes a lot of sense. Each common component can serve all client requests of a particular type. One such common component is mail relay ...
Other labels: mail
Convert your web application to a multi-tenant SaaS solution
Summary You've built a singletenant webenabled application, but need to make it compatible with and effective in a cloud environment. What steps do you need to take to convert your application to a fullfledged, multitenant, cloudready SaaS application? The author takes a sample web ...