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h2. Introduction

When we use an approach +service based+ we have to deal with interfaces (i.e. _contracts_), factories and implementations. We need a mechanism to discovery the right implementation for specific service. A commons solution is to use a +*system property*+ that contain the *full qualified name (FQN)* of the implementation class and then the factory will use this to instantiate the implementation. *Service Provider Interface* allow us to use a standard technique to discovery a right implementation on a desired interface (i.e. _contract_ )

h2. SPI

This technique consist of put a file, whose name is contract's name , within jar under path *META-INF/services*. For example if the interface is _org.bsc.spi.MyContract_ into the jar the file will be:


and within this file must be put just one line containing the FQN of the implementation.

At this point the steps to create a SPI application will be:

# create a contract (i.e. project containing interface)
# create a provider that implements the contract and publish implementation through SPI service
# create a factory (consumer) that discovery implementation and return the instance

h2. Java Example

h3. Create a contract


package org.bsc.spi;

public interface MyContract

String test();


h3. Create a provider

As provider we mean an implementation of a contract. See example below:

public class MyProvider implements MyContract

public String test() {
return "hello world!";

To publish this provider through the SPI we have found a very useful project [] that allow us to write the SPI infos simply using the annotation *@MetaInfServices*. See example below

public class MyProvider implements MyContract

public String test() {
return "hello world!";

to use this project from maven you have to put the following dependency in your pom

{code:xml|title=pom fragment}



Note: *optional* means that this dependency will be not include in project that refer to your provider project. Run *clean* & *install* (or *package*) and automatically the SPI information will be included in your jar

h3. Create a Factory

Finally we can develop the factory that discover provider and instantiate it

public class MyContractFactory {

public static MyContract createInstance() throws Exception { is = MyContractFactory.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("META-INF/services/org.bsc.spi.MyContract"); r = new LineNumberReader( new;

String fqn = r.readLine();

return (MyContract)Class.forName(fqn).newInstance();



public class MyContractFactory {

public static List<MyContract> createInstance() throws Exception {

java.util.List<MyContract> result = new java.util.ArrayList<MyContract>();

Enumeration<URL> e = Consumer.class.getClassLoader().getResources("META-INF/services/org.bsc.spi.MyContract");

while( e.hasMoreElements() ) {

URL url = e.nextElement(); r = new LineNumberReader( new;

String fqn = r.readLine();

result.add( (MyContract)Class.forName(fqn).newInstance() );


return result;

