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h1. Project

h2. [Google Code|]

|| || Role || Project || Summary ||
| | Owner | [maven-annotation-plugin|] | A maven plugin to process annotation for jdk6 at compile time (instead APT) |
| | Owner | [maven-confluence-plugin|] | Maven plugin to generate site documentation in confluence |
| | Owner | [swixml2|] | Swixml project integrated with JSR296 and JSR295 |
| | Owner | [bean-manager|] | lightweight ORM framework based on java bean standard |
| | Owner | [internationalization-processor|] | a java processor to generate internationalization stuff |
| | Owner | [maven-gwt-archetypes|] | maven archetypes to make easier setup GWT project using maven |
| | Owner | [maven-gwtext-archetype|] | maven archetype that helps to create a simple gwtext application |
| | Owner | [osgip|] | osgi based portal framework |

h2. [GitHub|]

|| || Role || Project || Summary || Activity ||
| | Owner | [iphone-commons-utilities|] | A set of classes that allow to solve commons development problems in easy way | high |

h2. [Codehaus|]
|| || Role || Project || Summary || Activity ||
| | Owner | [maven confluence site plugin|] | Porting of maven-confluence-site plugin to Codehaus Foundation | high |

h2. [Bitbucket|]
|| || Role || Project || Summary || Activity ||
| | Owner | [urbanairship-jaxrs|] | port of urbanairship protocol from httpclient to jaxrs | high |

h2. / [Kenai|]

|| || Role || Project || Summary ||
| | Owner | [Excel Xml Mapping|] | Apache POI extension to support xml mapping in excel 2007 |
| | Owner | [WSDLdownloader |] | Download WSDL and its dependencies |

h2. CodePlex

|| || Role || Project || Summary ||
| | Owner | [NSTRUTS|] | The jakarta Struts framework porting on ASP.NET |

h2. [SourceForge|]