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h1. Project Summary
h2. Project Information

|Name|CONFLUENCE-REPORTING::Plugin - 5.0-beta1|
|Description|plugin that document a project (using maven site style) and send result to a live confluence site \[\]|
h2. Project Organization

|Name|Bartolomeo Sorrentino|
h2. Build Information


h1. Plugin Goals
|| Name || Description ||
|[confluence-reporting:delete|confluence-reporting-maven-plugin-5.0-beta1 - delete]|Delete a confluence pageTitle|
|[confluence-reporting:export|confluence-reporting-maven-plugin-5.0-beta1 - export]|Export a confluence page either in PDF or DOC|
|[confluence-reporting:deploy|confluence-reporting-maven-plugin-5.0-beta1 - deploy]|Generate Project's documentation in confluence wiki format and deploy it|
|[confluence-reporting:help|confluence-reporting-maven-plugin-5.0-beta1 - help]|Display help information on confluence-reporting-maven-plugin.\
Call {{mvn confluence-reporting:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name>}} to display parameter details.|

h1. Project Team
A successful project requires many people to play many roles. Some members write code or documentation, while others are valuable as testers, submitting patches and suggestions.
The project team is comprised of Members and Contributors. Members have direct access to the source of a project and actively evolve the code-base. Contributors improve the project through submission of patches and suggestions to the Members. The number of Contributors to the project is unbounded. Get involved today. All contributions to the project are greatly appreciated.
h2. Members
The following is a list of developers with commit privileges that have directly contributed to the project in one way or another.

|bsorrentino|Bartolomeo Sorrentino|[|]|
h2. Contributors
There are no contributors listed for this project. Please check back again later.

h1. Overview
This project uses [Git|] to manage its source code. Instructions on Git use can be found at [|].
h1. Web Browser Access
The following is a link to a browsable version of the source repository:
h1. Anonymous Access
The source can be checked out anonymously from Git with this command (See [|]):
$ git clone{noFormat}
h1. Developer Access
Only project developers can access the Git tree via this method (See [|]).
$ git clone{noFormat}
h1. Access from Behind a Firewall
Refer to the documentation of the SCM used for more information about access behind a firewall.