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h3. {anchor:deploy}confluence-reporting:deploy
Generate Project's documentation in confluence wiki format and deploy it

h4. Mojo Attributes
* Requires a Maven 2.0 project to execute.

h4. Required Parameters

|[checkoutDirectoryName|#checkoutDirectoryName]|String|The directory name to checkout right after the scm url Default value is $\{project.artifactId\}|
|[outputDirectory|#outputDirectory]|File|No description.|
h4. Optional Parameters

|[anonymousConnection|#anonymousConnection]|String|The scm anonymous connection url. Default value is $\{project.scm.connection\}|
|[attachmentFolder|#attachmentFolder]|File|attachment folder Default value is $\{basedir\}/src/site/confluence/attachments|
|[childrenFolder|#childrenFolder]|File|children folder Default value is $\{basedir\}/src/site/confluence/children|
|[childrenTitlesPrefixed|#childrenTitlesPrefixed]|boolean|prefix child page with the title of the parent Default value is true|
|[developerConnection|#developerConnection]|String|The scm developer connection url. Default value is $\{project.scm.developerConnection\}|
|[encoding|#encoding]|String|The file encoding of the source files. Default value is $\{\}|
|[endPoint|#endPoint]|String|Confluence end point url Default value is http://localhost:8080/rpc/xmlrpc|
|[gitLogCalculateRuleForSinceTagName|#gitLogCalculateRuleForSinceTagName]|CalculateRuleForSinceTagName|If specified, plugin will try to calculate and replace actual gitLogSinceTagName value
based on current project version $\{project.version\} and provided rule.
Possible values are
Default value is NO\_RULE|
|[gitLogGroupByVersions|#gitLogGroupByVersions]|Boolean|Enable grouping by versions tag Default value is false|
|[gitLogJiraIssuesEnable|#gitLogJiraIssuesEnable]|Boolean|Set to true for enabling substitution of $\{gitlog.jiraIssues\} build-in variable Default value is false|
|[gitLogJiraProjectKeyList|#gitLogJiraProjectKeyList]|List|Specify JIRA projects key to extract issues from gitlog
By default it will try extract all strings that match pattern (A-Za-z\+)-\d\+|
|[gitLogSinceTagName|#gitLogSinceTagName]|String|Parse git log commits since last occurrence of specified tag name|
|[gitLogTagNamesPattern|#gitLogTagNamesPattern]|String|The pattern to filter out tagName. Can be used for filter only version tags.|
|[gitLogUntilTagName|#gitLogUntilTagName]|String|Parse git log commits until first occurrence of specified tag name|
|[labels|#labels]|List|Labels to add|
|[parentPageId|#parentPageId]|String|Confluence parent page id.
If set it is possible to avoid specifying parameters spaceKey and parentPageTitle|
|[parentPageTitle|#parentPageTitle]|String|Confluence parent page title Default value is Home|
|[password|#password]|String|Confluence password|
|[properties|#properties]|Map|additional properties pass to template processor|
|[removeSnapshots|#removeSnapshots]|boolean|During publish of documentation related to a new release, if it's true, the pages related to SNAPSHOT will be removed Default value is false|
|[serverId|#serverId]|String|Issue 39
Server's {{id}} in {{settings.xml}} to look up username and password.
Defaults to {{$\{url\}}} if not given.|
|[siteDescriptor|#siteDescriptor]|File|site xml descriptor Default value is $\{basedir\}/src/site/confluence/site.xml|
|[spaceKey|#spaceKey]|String|Confluence target confluence spaceKey|
|[sslCertificate|#sslCertificate]|SSLCertificateInfo|if using a https url, configure if the plugin accepts every certifactes or
respects hostnameVerifierClass and trustManagerClass (if set).
Below the Template
< sslCertificate>
< ignore>true|false</ignore> // default true
< hostNameVerifierClass>FQN</hostNameVerifierClass> //default null
< trustManagerClass>FQN</trustManagerClass> // default null
< /sslCertificate>
|[templateWiki|#templateWiki]|File|Home page template source. Template name will be used also as template source for children Default value is $\{basedir\}/src/site/confluence/|
|[title|#title]|String|Confluence Page Title|
|[username|#username]|String|Confluence username|
|[webAccessUrl|#webAccessUrl]|String|The scm web access url. Default value is $\{project.scm.url\}|
|[wikiFilesExt|#wikiFilesExt]|String|Children files extension Default value is .wiki|
h4. Parameter Details

h5. {anchor:anonymousConnection}anonymousConnection
The scm anonymous connection url.
h5. {anchor:attachmentFolder}attachmentFolder
attachment folder
h5. {anchor:checkoutDirectoryName}checkoutDirectoryName
The directory name to checkout right after the scm url
h5. {anchor:childrenFolder}childrenFolder
children folder
h5. {anchor:childrenTitlesPrefixed}childrenTitlesPrefixed
prefix child page with the title of the parent
h5. {anchor:developerConnection}developerConnection
The scm developer connection url.
h5. {anchor:encoding}encoding
The file encoding of the source files.
h5. {anchor:endPoint}endPoint
Confluence end point url
h5. {anchor:gitLogCalculateRuleForSinceTagName}gitLogCalculateRuleForSinceTagName
If specified, plugin will try to calculate and replace actual gitLogSinceTagName value
based on current project version $\{project.version\} and provided rule.
Possible values are


h5. {anchor:gitLogGroupByVersions}gitLogGroupByVersions
Enable grouping by versions tag
h5. {anchor:gitLogJiraIssuesEnable}gitLogJiraIssuesEnable
Set to true for enabling substitution of $\{gitlog.jiraIssues\} build-in variable
h5. {anchor:gitLogJiraProjectKeyList}gitLogJiraProjectKeyList
Specify JIRA projects key to extract issues from gitlog
By default it will try extract all strings that match pattern (A-Za-z\+)-\d\+
h5. {anchor:gitLogSinceTagName}gitLogSinceTagName
Parse git log commits since last occurrence of specified tag name
h5. {anchor:gitLogTagNamesPattern}gitLogTagNamesPattern
The pattern to filter out tagName. Can be used for filter only version tags.
h5. {anchor:gitLogUntilTagName}gitLogUntilTagName
Parse git log commits until first occurrence of specified tag name
h5. {anchor:labels}labels
Labels to add
h5. {anchor:outputDirectory}outputDirectory
No Description.
h5. {anchor:parentPageId}parentPageId
Confluence parent page id.
If set it is possible to avoid specifying parameters spaceKey and parentPageTitle
h5. {anchor:parentPageTitle}parentPageTitle
Confluence parent page title
h5. {anchor:password}password
Confluence password
h5. {anchor:properties}properties
additional properties pass to template processor
h5. {anchor:removeSnapshots}removeSnapshots
During publish of documentation related to a new release, if it's true, the pages related to SNAPSHOT will be removed
h5. {anchor:serverId}serverId
Issue 39

Server's {{id}} in {{settings.xml}} to look up username and password.
Defaults to {{$\{url\}}} if not given.
h5. {anchor:siteDescriptor}siteDescriptor
site xml descriptor
h5. {anchor:spaceKey}spaceKey
Confluence target confluence spaceKey
h5. {anchor:sslCertificate}sslCertificate
if using a https url, configure if the plugin accepts every certifactes or
respects hostnameVerifierClass and trustManagerClass (if set).

Below the Template


< sslCertificate>
< ignore>true|false</ignore> // default true
< hostNameVerifierClass>FQN</hostNameVerifierClass> //default null
< trustManagerClass>FQN</trustManagerClass> // default null
< /sslCertificate>

h5. {anchor:templateWiki}templateWiki
Home page template source. Template name will be used also as template source for children
h5. {anchor:title}title
Confluence Page Title
h5. {anchor:username}username
Confluence username
h5. {anchor:webAccessUrl}webAccessUrl
The scm web access url.
h5. {anchor:wikiFilesExt}wikiFilesExt
Children files extension