h1. Table Of Contents
h1. Integration and Functional Testing using profile
In this article we show an example bout how to separate classic unit tests from integration unit test using only [maven surefire plugin|http://maven.apache.org/surefire/maven-surefire-plugin/] and [profiles|http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-profiles.html]
h2. Separate Unit tests from Integration Tests
Example below assumes that the *Unit Test* classes have as postfix *Test* while *Integration Test* classes have as postfix *Integration Test* but you can use whatever naming convention that you prefer.
It include only the Unit Test classes excluding the Integration test ones.
{code:xml|title=configure surefire plugin}
<!-- Skip the default running of this plug-in (or everything is run twice...see below) -->
<!-- Show 100% of the lines from the stack trace (doesn't work) -->
h2. Create profile that contains Integration Tests configuration
Example below create a *integration-test* profile that, when activated, will include the Integration Test classes.
{code:xml|title=integration-test profile definition}
<!-- Separates the unit tests from the integration tests. -->
h2. Let's put all together
<!-- Skip the default running of this plug-in (or everything is run twice...see below) -->
<!-- Show 100% of the lines from the stack trace (doesn't work) -->
<!-- Separates the unit tests from the integration tests. -->
h2. run integration test
mvn -Pitest integration-test
h1. Integration and Functional Testing using profile
In this article we show an example bout how to separate classic unit tests from integration unit test using only [maven surefire plugin|http://maven.apache.org/surefire/maven-surefire-plugin/] and [profiles|http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-profiles.html]
h2. Separate Unit tests from Integration Tests
Example below assumes that the *Unit Test* classes have as postfix *Test* while *Integration Test* classes have as postfix *Integration Test* but you can use whatever naming convention that you prefer.
It include only the Unit Test classes excluding the Integration test ones.
{code:xml|title=configure surefire plugin}
<!-- Skip the default running of this plug-in (or everything is run twice...see below) -->
<!-- Show 100% of the lines from the stack trace (doesn't work) -->
h2. Create profile that contains Integration Tests configuration
Example below create a *integration-test* profile that, when activated, will include the Integration Test classes.
{code:xml|title=integration-test profile definition}
<!-- Separates the unit tests from the integration tests. -->
h2. Let's put all together
<!-- Skip the default running of this plug-in (or everything is run twice...see below) -->
<!-- Show 100% of the lines from the stack trace (doesn't work) -->
<!-- Separates the unit tests from the integration tests. -->
h2. run integration test
mvn -Pitest integration-test