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h3.Basic Declaration

<prop>the_text_value</prop><!-- SIMPLE TEXT -->
<prop1></prop1><!-- FROM CLASSPATH -->
<prop2>file://${basedir}/confluence.html</prop2><!-- FROM FILE SYSTEM -->


h3.Add labels
<parentPageTitle>Home</parentPageTitle><!-- PARENT PAGE IN THE GIVEN SPACE -->
<title>custom_title</title><!-- PAGE TITLE (default ${}) - SINCE 3.1.3 -->



h3.Inject custom properties within template
<parentPageTitle>Home</parentPageTitle><!-- PARENT PAGE IN THE GIVEN SPACE -->
<title>custom_title</title><!-- PAGE TITLE (default ${}) - SINCE 3.1.3 -->



<myprop></myprop><!-- SINCE 3.2.4 -->
<htmlpage>file://${basedir}/src/main/resources/confluence.html</htmlpage><!-- SINCE 3.2.4 -->




h3.Change wiki files extension
<parentPageTitle>Home</parentPageTitle><!-- PARENT PAGE IN THE GIVEN SPACE -->
<title>custom_title</title><!-- PAGE TITLE (default ${} )- SINCE 3.1.3 -->




h2.Authentication Tip
Put yours confluence credential within settings.xml as server{code:xml}

Take note that also [maven encryption||] is supported
h2.Use template variables
By default the plugin use an internal template to generate confluence page. You can customize the generated page creating a personal template into folder {{$\{basedir}/src/site/confluence}} named {{}}. The template can include all valid confluence contents plus the following built-in variables
h3.Built-In template variables
||Variable ||Description||
|{{$\{project.summary}}}|project summary|
|{{$\{}}}|project team information|
|{{$\{project.scmManager}}} |scm information|
|{{$\{project.dependencies}}} |dependencies|
|{{$\{artifactId}}} |artifactId|
|{{$\{version}}} |version|
|{{$\{gitlog.jiraIssues}}} |list of JIRA issuses, extracted from gitlog since start tag|
|{{$\{gitlog.sinceTagName}}} |name of version tag to start extract JIRA issues|
|{{$\{home.title}}} | title of home page |
|{{$\{page.title}}} | title of the current page |
|{{$\{pageTitle}}} | title of home page *DEPRECATED (use {{home.title}} instead) |
|{{$\{childTitle}}} | title of the current child page *DEPRECATED* (use {{page.title}} instead) |

{info:title=Only available for plugin documentation}

||Variable ||Description||
|{{$\{plugin.summary}}}| plugin summary **DEPRECATED** (use {{project.summary}} instead)
|{{$\{plugin.goals}}}}| plugin goals


h3. Images

* How to refer to an image
bq. {{\!$\{home.title}\^image_name!}}

* How to refer to an child's image within child page
bq. {{\!$\{page.title}\^image_name!}}

h3. Attachments

* How to refer to an attachment
bq. {{\[$\{home.title}\^attachment_name]}}

* How to refer to an child's attachment within child page
bq. {{\[$\{page.title}\^attachment_name]}}

h3. Tips & Tricks

In order to **escape a variable** so that in the same time it not will be translated and not will be considered a confluence's macro, use the syntax below

h3.Git log template variables
Main idea is automated creating of release notes with list of resolved JIRA issues utilizing integration between JIRA and Confluence.

* Include JIRA issue key in git commit message
* Using git as SCM and using version tags in git

h4.Git log configuration options

* {{gitLogJiraIssuesEnable}}
bq. Set it to true for enabling substitution of {{$\{gitlog.jiraIssues}}} build-in variable. Default value is false.

* {{gitLogSinceTagName}}
bq. Parse git log commits since last occurrence of specified tag name.

* {{gitLogUntilTagName}}
bq. Parse git log commits until first occurrence of specified tag name.

* {{gitLogCalculateRuleForSinceTagName}}

If specified, plugin will try to calculate and replace actual gitLogSinceTagName value based on current project version {{$\{project.version}}} and provided rule.Possible values are:
* {{NO_RULE}}.
* {{CURRENT_MAJOR_VERSION}}. For example 1.2.3 will be resolved to 1.0.0
* {{CURRENT_MINOR_VERSION}}. For example 1.2.3 will be resolved to 1.2.0
* {{LATEST_RELEASE_VERSION}}. For example, if latest known version from version tags is 1.0.1 and current artifact (not released) version is 2.0.0, it will be resolved to 1.0.1


* {{gitLogJiraProjectKeyList}} > JIRA projects keys to extract issues from gitlog. By default it will try extract all strings that match pattern (A-Za-z+)-\d+
* {{gitLogTagNamesPattern}}
bq. The pattern to filter out tagName. Can be used for filter only version tags

* {{gitLogGroupByVersions}}
bq. Enable grouping by versions tag

h4.Sample produced output of {{$\{gitlog.jiraIssues}}} with {{gitLogGroupByVersions=true}}
!confluence-reporting-maven-plugin-6.8 - Usage^gitlog-sample02.png!

h3.Template example


{info:title=Useful Information}
This page has been generated by [maven-confluence-plugin|]


h1. Introduction

project description

h1. Usage

How to use the project






h2.Maven Repository

From Release 3.0.1 this plugin is available from [MAVEN CENTRAL REPO||] If you want stay tune over modification, includes the following repository declaration in your POM{code:xml}



