Label: cloud

Content with label cloud in Bartolomeo Sorrentino (See content from all spaces)
Related Labels: xml, mail, uml, saas, json, objectify, services, planttext, plantuml, rest, jersey, gae

Building a Java-based Mail Relay for the SAAS Model
Summary In the SAAS (Software as a Service) deployment model, using components to handle common client requests makes a lot of sense. Each common component can serve all client requests of a particular type. One such common component is mail relay ...
Other labels: saas, mail
Convert your web application to a multi-tenant SaaS solution
Summary You've built a singletenant webenabled application, but need to make it compatible with and effective in a cloud environment. What steps do you need to take to convert your application to a fullfledged, multitenant, cloudready SaaS application? The author takes a sample web ...
Other labels: saas
Jersey + Guice on Google App Engine Java
Summary This tutorial will demonstrate how to setup Google Guice(dependency injection) with JAXRS Jersey(REST) plus Objectify(Google Data Store) on top of Google App Engine Java platform. >> Continue ... Full Article
Other labels: gae, jersey, objectify, rest, xml, json, services
PlantText - The new Online UML Editor powered by PlantUML
beginning "PlantUML Server" As states in a previous article "PlantUML a DSL for creating UML Diagrams .html", PlantUML is a great way to create & share UML diagrams quickly & easily. PlantUML already provided a sort of "cloud solution ...
Other labels: uml, plantuml, planttext