Label: housekeeping

Content with label housekeeping in Bartolomeo Sorrentino (See content from all spaces)
Related Labels: dependencies, maven

MAVEN EXPERIENCE - Maven and integration test
Table Of Contents Integration and Functional Testing using profile In this article we show an example bout how to separate classic unit tests from integration unit test using only maven surefire plugin ...
Other labels: maven, dependencies
MAVEN EXPERIENCE - Maven dependencies housekeeping
Dependencies Housekeeping PROBLEM: After a long use of maven, usually the local dependencies' repository growth risks to go out of control. SOLUTION: There are some plugins that help us to do housekeeping on local dependencies' repository. Below a script (for unix system ...
Other labels: maven, dependencies
MAVEN EXPERIENCE - Maven - Use local jars as dependencies
Introduction Sometime we have a bunch of local jars (e.g. coming out from legacy project) that we want to reuse as dependency in our maven project allowing to share them between developer team. To do this we can choose ...
Other labels: maven, dependencies