Label: gwt

Content with label gwt in Bartolomeo Sorrentino (See content from all spaces)
Related Labels: css, maven, eclipse, jetty, uibinder, gae, jndi

Eclipse GWT - tips & tricks
Run GWT application indevelopmentmode using JNDI Include jettyweb.xml in WEBINF folder add extra dependencies # jettynamingversion>.jar # jettyplus<version>.jar add an extra VM Argument in run configuration Djava.naming.factory.initial=org.mortbay.naming.InitialContextFactory
Other labels: eclipse, jetty, jndi
Google App Engine for Java, Part 1 - Rev it up!
Summary Summary:  Remember when Google App Engine was just for Pythonistas? Those were some dark days. Google Inc. opened up its cloudcomputing platform to Java™ developers in April 2009. In this threepart article series, Java technology ...
Other labels: gae
GPE flags MenuItem as an error
Summary The Google Plugin for Eclipse (GPE) has decided to complain about elements that are nonwidgets, (!) but those are allowed . In fact, they're required for menu items. <g:MenuItem> causes a annoying warning. To avoid this navigate to Preferences > Google > Errors/Warnings > UIBinder ...
Other labels: uibinder
GWT default StyleSheet
body table a, a:visited, a:hover / Applied to buttons. / .gwtButton .gwtButton:active .gwtButtondisabled / Applied to the checkbox and text next to the checkbox. / .gwtCheckBox .gwtCheckBoxdisabled / Applied to the dialog box. / .gwtDialogBox .gwtDialogBox .Caption .gwtDialogBox .Content .gwtDialogBox .Content table / Applied to the disclosure ...
Other labels: css
Using the Google Eclipse Plugin and Maven
Summary Usually, who uses maven, ... loves it because this simple & powerful tool enforces an ALM standardization across different IDE, making easier shares codes & dependencies etc ... The problem for developer is to find out a good integration between ...
Other labels: maven, eclipse