Label: eclipse

Content with label eclipse in Bartolomeo Sorrentino (See content from all spaces)
Related Labels: maven, settings, jetty, svn, jndi, gwt

Eclipse GWT - tips & tricks
Run GWT application indevelopmentmode using JNDI Include jettyweb.xml in WEBINF folder add extra dependencies # jettynamingversion>.jar # jettyplus<version>.jar add an extra VM Argument in run configuration Djava.naming.factory.initial=org.mortbay.naming.InitialContextFactory
Other labels: gwt, jetty, jndi
Script to ignore Eclipse settings in SVN
Introduction Typically when an Eclipse project is shared by different development teams, commit 'Eclipse settings files' could drive to fix them everytime another developer checkout or update the project (unless we synchonize 'eclipse workspaces' over ...
Other labels: svn, settings
Using the Google Eclipse Plugin and Maven
Summary Usually, who uses maven, ... loves it because this simple & powerful tool enforces an ALM standardization across different IDE, making easier shares codes & dependencies etc ... The problem for developer is to find out a good integration between ...
Other labels: maven, gwt